by Didier Kane | Strategic Acquisition, Strategic Planning, Strategy, Value Creation
Companies often tell me they want to diversify their business into new areas, but don’t know how. Here is a brief summary of an approach that has worked well for businesses I have worked with. It involves an easy but systematic 5-steps business process: 1)...
by Didier Kane | Breakthrough, Compensation Plans, Stretch Goals
Many of our clients face a dilemma: their growth rate is too low and they are not achieving their full potential. The CEO wants to accelerate growth and mobilize their team to achieve an ambitious growth rate. To do this, they very often declare a breakthrough goal...
by Didier Kane | Culture, Global Growth, Growth Strategy, International Expansion
International expansion is, in general, a very good growth strategy. The products and services a company offers domestically can often offer a similar value to both global and local customers in other countries. Of course, while a global pricing may be preferred when...