Denary helped this IT services provider move from flat line to vigorous growth.
The Challenge: Our client faced competitive pressure, poor operational structure and processes and a declining market share for its offerings.
Denary’s Solution: Denary worked side-by-side with the client over a period of five years to implement our Value Directed Business Strategies™ and processes to set a compelling strategic direction and improve the company’s operations, marketing and sales programs.
The Outcome
- A 10X valuation increase resulting from:
- Flat growth to a CAGR of 30%+.
- Loss to 7.5%+ EBITDA.

Denary helped this construction company move from breakeven profitability to increasing levels of profitable growth.
The Challenge: The client was in business for five years, but the last two years they suffered a small loss and breakeven profitability. While there was sufficient revenue to support a NPBT of at 12%+, there was massive waste in their operation. There were no documented processes. Everything was based on “tribal knowledge.
Denary’s Solution: After doing an assessment and setting a five year vision, we determined that the waste was due to inefficiencies and mistakes in their primary value creation process. Denary personnel help the client analyze the client’s As-Is process which contained over 80 disconnects. The next step was to design a Should-Be process which resolved all the disconnects, shortened the cycle time and improved the reliability.
The Outcome
- The process redesign, completed in Q1, resulted in a $1,000,000 profit in the same year.
- The profit in the following year was $1,500,000 and $2,000,000 in the third year.

Denary helped this OEM computer company move from losses to profitable growth.
The Challenge: The client was in business for over seven years with the owners operating the company and funding year over year losses. They were the high cost producer, with less competitive technology and their competitors were 2 to 3 times larger.
Denary’s Solution: After doing a careful market assessment, the next step was to develop a compelling strategy that positioned and differentiated the company such that their competitive weaknesses did not get in the way of winning customers. The second step was to build a high-performance team that could consistently deliver on the company’s brand promise.
The Outcome
- The company doubled revenues the year after introducing the strategy.
- The company grew profitability at a CAGR of 35%+.
- The company enjoyed a fully engaged team with less than 1% voluntary attrition.

Denary help the IT department in a major hospital move from “meltdown” to a high-Performance team.
The Challenge: The IT team of over 20 people was described by the VP as dysfunctional. Upon doing an assessment it was determined the team had issues in the following areas:
- Relationship and trust: there was too much finger pointing and the team members were inclined to look out for themselves.
- Conversational dynamics: team members were withholding certain conversations, which further compounded the delays and frustrations.
- Leadership and culture: there were competing and undeclared commitments that hindered the projects moving forward effectively.
- Accountability/Responsibility: There was insufficient accountability and a lack of responsibility for IT team’s results as a whole.
Denary Solution: The engagement focused on the following:
- Building relationship and trust by fostering open and authentic speaking and listening.
- Improving the coordination of action by embodying the skills to make powerful requests, offers and authentic promises.
- Enhance leadership capacity of each team member by leading from a vision and learning how to enroll their team members to take powerful actions.
- Implement a breakthrough process that allows the team members to build and maintain alignment and commitment to breakthrough goals.
- Apply the breakdown technology process to allow team members to recognize and declare breakdowns and embrace their resolution.
Outcomes: The mood of the IT team started to shift immediately and continued to improve throughout the engagement. As are result, the following improvements were recognized by all:
- A sense of burn-out was replace by much higher level of job satisfaction. Prior to starting the engagement it was estimated that over 50% of the team members were planning to leave the organization. After the engagement everyone stayed with the team.
- They were able to make more realistic promises and met their project implementation deadlines.
- The breakdown process allowed them to deal with new breakdowns right away, as opposed to them being pushed out until they could no longer be ignored. This greatly increased the team’s productivity.
- Instead of finger pointing, each team member stood for the success of other team members and the team.
- They learned how to enroll team members and other organizational staff into creating new possibilities, which lead to increased productivity.